KitchenAid accessory pack - grinder, slicer, press

A special pack containing the 3 most desired accessories - meat grinder, fruit and vegetable press and slicer. More

Manufacturer: KitchenAidProduct code: 5KSM2FPPC
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A special pack containing the 3 most desired accessories - meat grinder, fruit and vegetable press and slicer. More

Manufacturer: KitchenAidProduct code: 5KSM2FPPC
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Grinder, slicer, press - KitchenAid robot accessory pack

The optional KitchenAid Artisan accessories, connected via the socket, are compatible with all KitchenAid robot types.

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It connects to the drive unit via a multi-purpose slot located on the front of the robot. Accessories It is compatible with all KitchenAid robots.

KitchenAid accessory pack - grinder, slicer, press

A convenient bundle of KitchenAid's most desirable accessories.

Package includes:

  • KitchenAid meat grinder

For chopping and mincing meat, fish, vegetables, breadcrumbs, hard fruits and cheese. With a double-sided self-sharpening steel blade, fine and coarse disc and a tamping blade.

  • KitchenAid Fruit and Vegetable Press/Crusher

Meat grinder attachment, perfect for pureeing soft fruits and cooked vegetables when making rubs, jams, babyIt perfectly purees the processed ingredients and removes unwanted grains, seeds and skins.

  • KitchenAid Grater / Slicer with 3 interchangeable blades

For quick and easy grating and slicing of vegetables, potatoes, onions, cheese, all types of fruit, nuts, breadcrumbs or chocolate for decorating. Supplied with: medium and coarse grating disc and grating disc.

Let your imagination run wild

A wide range of optional accessories turns the KitchenAid Artisan food processor into the most versatile kitchen applianceever. Even the most demanding chef will hardly find a recipe that the Artisan robot won't be a valid assistant in preparing, whether it's a "family" recipe or a high-end culinary dish. Don't be afraid to experiment and enjoy the compliments you're guaranteed to reap afterwards for the excellent results!